Welcome to my blog!

I've actually created a blog! When I first heard about people writing blogs, it didn't appeal to me. I wondered just how fascinating could someone's ongoing editorial chronicling of who knows what be? Well, throw all of that out the window because here it is -- my "Seize the Day (today)" blog. And I've created this for a few reasons, the most important of which is my daughter, Emma.

I can't tell you how many times over the years I've gotten this bright idea to write in a journal and haven't gotten past the first entry. I have a way of romanticizing things. I'd get pulled in by rosy thoughts of the sudden clarity and therapeutic relief I would gain by feverishly putting down on paper the goings-on of my day. Just think, 20 years from now I would look back at all of my wacky days and reminisce, gladly reminding myself that I DID make the most of those times, right? And without fail, those rosy reflections fade and reality sets in I suppose but AFTER the first entry, of course.

Now here I am. Emma has entered my world. The next best thing to an autobiography, in my opinion, can be a blog (I'm thinking all of those first-entry journals just won't suffice). It can be as personal and telling as I would like it to be and some day, maybe my quips will lend her some insight into the mind of her mom. At the very least, I'm striving for some mild entertainment value.

Another reason for the creation of my blog has to do with my blogspot title. I have to be honest, I first heard the phrase "carpe diem" (meaning "seize the day") in the movie, Dead Poets Society. This film is truly inspirational and makes you feel like you just got a good kick in the ass. I can't believe it was released in 1989 and its effects still resonate with me to this day. I have always worked to follow this "seize the day" philosophy in life yet I feel as though I've barely scratched the surface. My hope is that my blog will act as a reminder for taking such action.

This becomes more of a necessity because now more than ever I realize my mortality. After finding my husband, the person I share my dreams with, and introducing a new little life to a world that we as parents are responsible for shaping, a certain gravity hits and the importance of seizing each and every day is that much more eminent. Welcome to my blog. I'm warning you in advance that I expect there to be plenty of random thoughts, juicy tidbits and endearing tales.

Well, here we go...I'm glad you're here and I'm looking forward to the ride!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Letter to Emma

My dearest sweet Emma,

I haven't written in a while (in blog terms, that is) and this is not due to lack of inspiration or material but more because I have been knee-deep in taking you in. Completely. Besides, you do make it VERY difficult to stay in one place for very long, much less allow the time to write! So, when I woke up this morning I told myself it's time to get back to writing and reflect on these past months with you. As of today, you are about five months and three weeks old. We have been on so many adventures already! As I type this, you are right next to me cooing and staring lovingly at me. Make no mistake, though, you are also eyeballing the laptop because you would like nothing better than to smack your little hands on the keyboard to be just like mommy and daddy. But you have still found a way to make my eyes well up with tears.

At this age, you are even more curious, aware, and tuned in -- in a flirty, comedic and ambitious sort of way. And I can't help but gush about it... I am truly amazed by you. Every single moment of every single day. There's a way in which you look at a person with such depth behind your eyes -- it's as if you're an old soul. Your smile is so endearing -- so pretty and absolutely infectious! Your eyes even smile. And you are a total character! You get this sort of curious look on your face when you realize in the middle of playing that you're doing something that makes us absolutely crack up. Then you look at us with this big grin on your face and go right back to doing what was making us laugh. You are so much fun to be around!

From the very moment I found out I was pregnant with you, life as I (and your Dad) knew it had changed. And in ways we could never have imagined. I cannot believe how much I have learned in this short period of time with you. I have learned so much about myself. You being here reminds me what is truly important in life; appreciating the beauty in our surroundings, enjoying each day to the fullest. Sometimes, certain events in everyday life can throw me off track. But when I think of you or see your face, I light up with a smile of my own because I am reminded of how much love we have in our lives together as a family. That is the most beautiful, precious thing in the world to me. That is what holds me together.

And now, here I am, writing again -- but now you're about six months, two weeks old. I haven't had much of an opportunity to sit with the laptop and really focus on writing lately for the most part, because we've been planning and preparing for and enjoying the holiday season! It's so important for me to be able to immerse myself in writing to you. I cherish these times with you and I don't want to miss putting anything down.

Since I started this letter to you we have celebrated your first Thanksgiving (at our house with Grandma Stella, Grandpa Craig, and the whole rest of the bunch), met up with Grandma and Grandpa (Simmons) in Las Vegas to visit your Great Grandmother Kay, Great Aunt Sheri and Great Uncle Gary, and have spent this last week with Grandma and Grandpa Simmons at our house for your very first Christmas. How lucky are we? We have had so much fun being able to spend this time together. I can tell you that Grandma and Grandpa couldn't get enough of you. You entertained us all while you were playing with the new toys you received for Christmas, rolling around on the floor, babbling and squealing in your jumper, making sure you slobbered on everything.

You are so loved. Seeing how you interacted with everyone at Thanksgiving, in Las Vegas and during Christmas has absolutely melted my heart. Your beautiful smile and sweet disposition make everyone - even strangers - light up. You have an amazing ability to warm people's hearts.