Welcome to my blog!

I've actually created a blog! When I first heard about people writing blogs, it didn't appeal to me. I wondered just how fascinating could someone's ongoing editorial chronicling of who knows what be? Well, throw all of that out the window because here it is -- my "Seize the Day (today)" blog. And I've created this for a few reasons, the most important of which is my daughter, Emma.

I can't tell you how many times over the years I've gotten this bright idea to write in a journal and haven't gotten past the first entry. I have a way of romanticizing things. I'd get pulled in by rosy thoughts of the sudden clarity and therapeutic relief I would gain by feverishly putting down on paper the goings-on of my day. Just think, 20 years from now I would look back at all of my wacky days and reminisce, gladly reminding myself that I DID make the most of those times, right? And without fail, those rosy reflections fade and reality sets in I suppose but AFTER the first entry, of course.

Now here I am. Emma has entered my world. The next best thing to an autobiography, in my opinion, can be a blog (I'm thinking all of those first-entry journals just won't suffice). It can be as personal and telling as I would like it to be and some day, maybe my quips will lend her some insight into the mind of her mom. At the very least, I'm striving for some mild entertainment value.

Another reason for the creation of my blog has to do with my blogspot title. I have to be honest, I first heard the phrase "carpe diem" (meaning "seize the day") in the movie, Dead Poets Society. This film is truly inspirational and makes you feel like you just got a good kick in the ass. I can't believe it was released in 1989 and its effects still resonate with me to this day. I have always worked to follow this "seize the day" philosophy in life yet I feel as though I've barely scratched the surface. My hope is that my blog will act as a reminder for taking such action.

This becomes more of a necessity because now more than ever I realize my mortality. After finding my husband, the person I share my dreams with, and introducing a new little life to a world that we as parents are responsible for shaping, a certain gravity hits and the importance of seizing each and every day is that much more eminent. Welcome to my blog. I'm warning you in advance that I expect there to be plenty of random thoughts, juicy tidbits and endearing tales.

Well, here we go...I'm glad you're here and I'm looking forward to the ride!

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Emma Update

Taking Emma to her 2 Month Wellness Visit to see her doctor wasn't as bad as I expected! She is now 11 lbs 12 oz and 23 1/4 inches long. She was such a skinny baby at her 2 week visit that she was somewhere in the 15th percentile of other babies her age, but now she's within the 75th. So, that was refreshing to hear. Now we have a little baby fat to pinch on her legs. I love it!

When she received her vaccination shots, it may have been good (for me anyway) that she was already crying due to the fact that she was SO hungry (when is she not?). So in taking Joe's advice, I remained calm, remembering (in his words) that I am her pillar of strength. Ha ha. Thank GOD that's over. And from having spoken to friends that have already gone through this I thought she would be passed out for the rest of the day. No luck there, either. She was the same bundle of energy she always is. She is her father's child for sure.

As I am now adding to this post, Emma has reached the 3 month mark. Yeah, a bit delayed on getting my posts out there. Such is a mom's life. At least that's what I tell myself! She is really starting to reveal more of her personality and has such a sweet disposition. She throws out her adorable smile all the time, talks back-and-forth with us and is so aware of her surroundings. I am pleased to say she is quite the social butterfly!

In the past, we had been concerned with over-stimulating her but it's quite the opposite. She loves to people-watch (takes after her mom), hang out with others and pack in as many activities in the day as possible. That keeps us VERY busy (thus the delay in finishing this!). She might be a party animal at heart. Uh oh.

Every day seems to be different. She already rolled from her back to her stomach at about 2 months -- it was crazy. And now she loves to put everything in her mouth, almost full fist included. She is also grasping things like her rattle and has been grabbing and hanging onto my hair like a monkey from a vine for the past few weeks. Not yet sleeping through the night, though. Working on that...still.

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