Welcome to my blog!

I've actually created a blog! When I first heard about people writing blogs, it didn't appeal to me. I wondered just how fascinating could someone's ongoing editorial chronicling of who knows what be? Well, throw all of that out the window because here it is -- my "Seize the Day (today)" blog. And I've created this for a few reasons, the most important of which is my daughter, Emma.

I can't tell you how many times over the years I've gotten this bright idea to write in a journal and haven't gotten past the first entry. I have a way of romanticizing things. I'd get pulled in by rosy thoughts of the sudden clarity and therapeutic relief I would gain by feverishly putting down on paper the goings-on of my day. Just think, 20 years from now I would look back at all of my wacky days and reminisce, gladly reminding myself that I DID make the most of those times, right? And without fail, those rosy reflections fade and reality sets in I suppose but AFTER the first entry, of course.

Now here I am. Emma has entered my world. The next best thing to an autobiography, in my opinion, can be a blog (I'm thinking all of those first-entry journals just won't suffice). It can be as personal and telling as I would like it to be and some day, maybe my quips will lend her some insight into the mind of her mom. At the very least, I'm striving for some mild entertainment value.

Another reason for the creation of my blog has to do with my blogspot title. I have to be honest, I first heard the phrase "carpe diem" (meaning "seize the day") in the movie, Dead Poets Society. This film is truly inspirational and makes you feel like you just got a good kick in the ass. I can't believe it was released in 1989 and its effects still resonate with me to this day. I have always worked to follow this "seize the day" philosophy in life yet I feel as though I've barely scratched the surface. My hope is that my blog will act as a reminder for taking such action.

This becomes more of a necessity because now more than ever I realize my mortality. After finding my husband, the person I share my dreams with, and introducing a new little life to a world that we as parents are responsible for shaping, a certain gravity hits and the importance of seizing each and every day is that much more eminent. Welcome to my blog. I'm warning you in advance that I expect there to be plenty of random thoughts, juicy tidbits and endearing tales.

Well, here we go...I'm glad you're here and I'm looking forward to the ride!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Best Practices

Over the years, I've heard so many tips on things I can do to help make my life easier and more enjoyable. Some, MAJOR adjustments and some, little lifestyle tweaks. The other morning I realized that I still practice quite a few of these suggestions! It might be a good idea to take a refresher course on others, though. So, in hopes of reminding myself of some of the most logical rules to follow, I thought I would share them. Here they are:

1. Exercise in the MORNING - it gets your metabolism going and adrenaline flowing first thing. As tough as it is to drag your butt out of bed and into workout gear, it feels amazing to start the day with that sense of accomplishment that carries through until the evening. And you don't agonize all day about that trip to the gym later, either.

2. Get plenty of rest - sleep for at least a 7 hour stretch. Studies suggest those who take in at this amount of sleep, are slimmer and live longer than those who don't. And the exercise ties into providing better, more solid sleep. Also avoid caffeine 4 to 6 hours before night-night time.

3. Don't have a TV in your bedroom - I understand this one...it's a total mood killer! And it affects our ability to ease into sleep mode.

4. De-stress - this one's so vital to our overall health and life span. It breaks our bodies down. Stress also triggers the release of cortisol, a chemical in our brains that is responsible for lowered immunity and abdominal fat. I've gotta learn how to meditate!

5. Be kind to others - because it makes you and the other person feel good. And not that I practice this philosophy for this reason, but kindness comes back to you. Even the smallest acts of kindness pull you in closer to that other person and can enrich your relationship.

6. Have lots of sex - it seems easier said than done lately, but I've always known sex to have amazing health benefits. Doing the deed a few times a week stirs up and brings to the surface all those "feel good" hormones and even lengthens your lifespan. As if we need any more reasons to have sexy time!

7. Eat breakfast - it wasn't until I became a voraciously hungry pregnant woman that I ran with this one. There are many healthy ways to do this. Whole grain cereal (preferably with fiber) gives you a great a.m. jump start. And don't forget to squeeze in protein - it makes you feel fuller longer. There are TONS of great tips to follow on the link I provided. This article identifies what kind of proteins to eat, suggests what to have for breakfast, what to snack on throughout the day and which foods can boost your energy.

Rules like these are so ingrained in my mind that I don't even realize I follow them. And there are so many more! So when I conjure up more little tidbits from my fact-infused brain, I plan on hitting my blog and laying them out there proudly.

1 comment:

The McNicol Clan said...

So, do you think you will be returning to work??? It's not so bad there... and do you think it would be worth it if I tried out the ADA role if the opp. arose?

Also, totally agree with all of that. I barely do any of it, but I agree with it.

Also, do you want to do a walk for down syndrome with me? I am doing it to help support a friend of mine. Her daughter has downs and she was born on the same day as Alyssa.

Oh! Can't wait for Lucas' birthday party. It is going to be so much fun.